Friday, March 29, 2024

Visit to Rauhaniemi Folk Spa

 If you have never been in Sauna, now is your chance! And if you are already familiar with this lovely Finnish way to relax, you are also welcome to join us in Rauhaniemi Folk Spa. 

Rauhaniemi Folk Spa is very dear to residents of Tampere and offers its visitors authentic sauna experience. Nature is close and the views from beach are stunning, so even if you are not into sauna, you can come and enjoy nature. They have two traditional saunas and both are gender neutral. Although usually Finns are naked in sauna, in Rauhaniemi Folk Spa you must wear appropriate swimwear (bikinis are also fine).

If you are brave and not afraid to challenge yourself, you can go swimming in lake Näsijärvi. 

Picture: Pamina_81

Pamina_81 is our local guide to ice swimming and sauna. We are using public transport to go to Rauhaniemi Folk Spa. We are organizing sauna trips every night. 

Sauna ticket for adults 10€ 

Sauna ticket for children 7-14 years old 4€

Payment for sauna by cash, bank card or credit card. You can visit the area for free. 

For a nice sauna experience you'll need a swimsuit, a towel, a small towel (to sit on in sauna) and something to drink (no alcohol). If you don't want to walk barefoot, you can take some kind of water resistant shoes (e.g. crocs, flipflops...). You can also bring your personal shampoo and shower gel. 

You can find more information about Rauhaniemi Folk Spa on their website.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Guest speaker: Mirva Haltia


Mirva Haltia is a Finnish Karelian artivist and entrepreneur dedicated to reviving the endangered Karelian language and culture. Her trilingual poetry book, 'Gruuga' (2023), delves into the Karelian language, identity, community, and the experiences of reconnecting with them. The poems in 'Gruuga' were originally written in the Karelian language (specifically the Southern dialect of Karelian Proper) and have been translated into Finnish and English. 'Gruuga' stands out as one of the very few books written in this dialect. During her speech, we will enjoy a bilingual poem reading in Karelian and English and gain deeper insights into the Karelian language, culture, and the experiences of revitalization work. 

Learn more about Mirva’s artivism at her website

Monday, March 25, 2024

Restaurants for Saturday night dinner

It's time to choose restaurant for Saturday night dinner! We have chosen few nice restaurants for you to choose from, please check your email for menus. This post will be updated. 

Bonker Moodcourt 

1) ApoloniaX

2) Apechild

3) hetku77

4) Kemppu

5) eli-fromSweden

6) Tobb

7) bokmalsblomma

8) Malkavian_Mad

9) Mecu *host*

10) hingrald

11) toukokuu

12) dacejav

13) eliso

14) k-j-h 

15) LeishaCamden

16) Travelina

17) Drosophilist....

18) ...Lilith89...

19&20) ... and their children

21) lii5a *host*

Plevna / picture: Laura Vanzo


1) Livrespublic

2) Skyring

3) sumako

4) Soozreader...

5) ... and her spouse

6) feltre

7) Mr. feltre

8) sakirmo... *host*

9) ... and her spouse

10) Mankyi

11) Oikku

12) chawoso

13) Mr. chawoso

14) RazFaz

15) Hugbert

16) Inge1990

17) indiegirl-de

18) halonhakkaaja

19) Romney

20) Mr. Romney

21) Meganh

22) d-vineland

23) rahar109

24) kirjakko

25) 3malglueck

26) Mr. 3malglueck

27) OldVulture

28) ReineForsmsache

29) Inken

30) olagorie

31) jax987654321

32) Bookgirrl

Viking restaurant Harald / picture: Laura Vanzo

Viking restaurant Harald 

1) Andreasberlin

2) captainanders

3) Moem

4) Mr. Moem

5) maritn

6) winhexe


8) Mr. BAMP

9) Dutchblad

10) manuma

11) FraukeRo

12) Anke68

13) T800

14) Anith

15) Juli312

16) beson

17) Melydia

18) Appelsiini... *host*

19) ... and her child

Pyynikki Brewhouse / picture: Laura Vanzo

Pyynikki Brewhouse 

1) pippis... *host*

2) ... and her beerloving spouse

3) over-the-moon

4) echode

5) Azuki

6) Macaufan

7) ZeeEllZett

8) WhiteNights

9) Fifna

10) oehoeboeroe

11) janna2

12) Enitnaj

13) Poodlesister

14) earthcaroleanne

15) Cassiopaeia

16) Shepparm

17) Mr. Shepparm

18) Lotty_

19) Chania

20) Gismobuddy

21) Xarodoc

22) faerie-glen...

23) ... and her mother

24) Pamina_81

Host will have a list of orders, so you can check what you ordered. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Guest speaker: Avi Heikkinen


Avi Heikkinen is a local multitalent who has published interesting graphic novels. In his presentation he will tell us about graphic novel "Valotusaika" and how he came up with this unique way to create it. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Supply Store in Convention

 As usual, Supply Store is open during Convention!

Moem is bringing lots of goodies for us to buy so now is good time to make a little inventory and check what you need. In Supply Store you can pay with cash and card!

Picture: Laura Paronen

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Tampere 2024 Convention Bookplates

 We are happy to introduce our logo for Tampere Convention!

It's drawn by Appelsiini's 12-year old daughter Vansku. She doesn't like books and reading, but she loves to draw and paint. When Vansku is forced to read, she reads YA horror and fantasy books and manga.

In our logo there's Näsinneula which is one of famous landmarks in Tampere. Näsinneula is an observation tower and it's located near Lake Näsijärvi, in Särkänniemi amusement park. Although the amusement park is still closed in April, you can visit Näsinneula. Up on the observation deck there's Restaurant Näsinneula. 

You can find bookplates in English and in Finnish from Bookcrossing Supply Store.

Thank you

 D ear Bookcrossers, A very special weekend is behind us, one that we all waited for so long, but which flew by so fast. We are thankful for...